TED - Development

I needed a simple textbox control for another project so I decided to create one using the termbox-go textmode user interface library. The 'editview' control is the central component of the TED text editor.

TED only has very basic functionality. Currently, you can select, copy and paste text, do search, and open and save UTF-8 text files. In the future, if I have time, I would like to add more sophisticated functionality such as (a) Undo/Redo, (b) Multi-File editing, (c) Split Windows. A graphical and web version would also be nice.

The complete source code is available on github. The bulk of the functionality can be found in buf.go (buffer) and editview.go (edit control).

Source code is under MIT License so it can be used freely in all commercial and non-commercial projects.

Ted can be used in schools as a resource for teaching basic data structures and how to develop a basic text editor from scratch.

Links: Github Project